I was built for the MRC in St. Louis in 1882, and for nearly three
decades she carried the members of the MRC on their bi-annual inspection
trips of the river from St. Louis to New Orleans. The steamer also carried
President Theodore Roosevelt and President Howard Taft on river
inspections from Cairo to New Orleans. In 1919, the Mississippi I was
transferred to the Second MRC District in Memphis, renamed the Piomingo,
and used extensively as a towboat.

II was originally designated as the steamer Leota. Built in 1899 as
dredge tender, she was noted for her trim lines and great speed. In 1920
she was selected as new inspection vessel for the MRC. Two years later,
the vessel was fitted with new boilers, a new cabin, new machinery, and
was renamed the Mississippi.

Mississippi III was the last of the glorious Texas-deck
sternwheelers, and helped sustain the colorful traditions and background
of the golden age of steamboats on the Mississippi River. Improvements and
additions over the years transformed the Mississippi III into the most
powerful government-owned towboat in the Mississippi Valley. The
Mississippi III continued in service until April 1961, when she was
decommissioned by the Corps of Engineers at Memphis.